A Level Results Day - 15 Aug 2024

Rossett School’s headteacher has praised the achievements of all its Year 13 students as A Level and BTEC results were released today.

15 per cent of Rossett School’s A Level grades were A* to A, and 39 per cent A* to B. Students also achieved a 100 per cent pass rate in their BTECs, with 75 per cent graded at Distinction*/Distinction or Merit.

Headteacher, Mr Tim Milburn said, “Today is the culmination of years of commitment, effort and dedication and it has been lovely to share with our students that moment when the nerves and anticipation turns to joy and celebration as they get the grades they have deserve.

Patrick Flemming and Eva Bailey - A Level Results - 2024

Mr Milburn continued, “The vast majority of students have achieved the grades they need to pursue their desired next steps either at university, further study elsewhere, or in their chosen professions. We are so proud of all our students today. They have shown great resilience and versatility in navigating the challenges of the last few years, and their fantastic results are thoroughly deserved. We wish them all the very best in the future and look forward to hearing about their continued successes.

Among the outstanding individual results were several students who achieved three or more A* or A grades including:

Eva Bailey who achieved 4 A*’s Computer Science, Maths, Further Maths and Physics.
Joshua Chapman-Smith gained 4 A*’s in Computer Science, Economics, Maths and Further Maths.
Malachi Bielby achieved 3 A*’s in Chemistry, Maths and Further Maths and an A in Physics.
Patrick Fleming gained 3 A*’s in Maths, Further Maths and Physics as well as an A in Computer Science.

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