Music Tuition

At Rossett School we are proud to be able to offer specialist one-to-one tuition on a wide range of musical instruments. Lessons are delivered once a week during the school day and run throughout the year, commencing in early September.   

Prices for the academic year 2024-25 are as follows:  

Individual 20-minute lesson - £14 per lesson  

Individual 30-minute lesson - £19.50 per lesson  

The following discounts are available*:  

Students studying GCSE Music – 50%  

Pupil Premium (exc. Free School Meals) – 50%  

In receipt of Free School Meals – 75%                              

*Conditions apply 

New starters are welcome to sign up, subject to availability, at the beginning of each half term and applications for all instruments can be made using this online form

Once the completed application has been received, your child’s instrumental tutor will be in touch to arrange lessons. The charges for lessons will be paid directly to the tutor, less any discounts as approved by the school. It may be possible to hire an instrument subject to availability .

If you have any questions about instrumental tuition, please contact Mr Durbin

Rossett - Music - 2024 (3)

Rossett - Music - 2024 (13)

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