Safeguarding Protocols for Live Lessons

Key protocols 

  • Live lessons will always include a member of staff (not a volunteer) and more than two students. Staff will not conduct a live lesson if there is only one student in attendance;  

  • A small number of remote academic or pastoral review meetings may take place remotely on a 1:1 basis, but only with the consent of the parent/carer which will be sought in advance;  

  • Cameras of both staff and students will be turned off and communication will only take place using audio;   

  • Cameras should be off. However, in the event of a malfunction or your face being shared, staff/students must ensure they wear suitable clothing, as should anyone else in the household who might appear on screen. Staff/students must sit in front of a neutral background or blank wall.  

  • Only students that have been given consent by their parent/carers to attend live lessons will be present during the lesson. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer and the student themselves who should ensure those without consent do not attend the lesson, not the responsibility of the member of staff running the lesson. 


Staff must:  

  • Always log on through their Rossett account and use their Rossett email for school business;  

  • Only use Microsoft Teams as the chosen platform to deliver live lessons;  

  • Maintain the same boundaries and insist on the same standard of behaviour as in a school setting. Students are expected to be resilient, reflective and to take responsibility for what they do;  

  • Maintain professional language at all times;  

  • Ensure that a safe and appropriate place is chosen to conduct the lesson – not a bedroom;  

  • Not take screenshots/screengrabs/photographs or record and store footage from live lessons or other students during Live events/lessons;  

  • Report concerns about safeguarding during the lesson to the safeguarding leads immediately via CPOMs after the lesson.  


Students must:  

  • Understand that the school Behaviour Policy applies during live lessons;  

  • Ensure their webcam is off at all times;  

  • Mute their microphone unless students are asked to contribute;  

  • Respect and support others;  

  • Use the chat function responsibly and not post any offensive material or comments;  

  • Not take screenshots/screengrabs, recordings or photographs, or store footage of teachers or other students during Live events/lessons in the event of anyone’s image being displayed on screen;  

  • Ensure that they have a safe and appropriate place to participate from. This will not be in their bedroom;  

  • Report any safeguarding concerns that have arisen from a live lesson immediately to one of the designated safeguarding leads.  

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