Rossett News Update - 21 March 2025
Our Next 2030!
Last night we met our class of 2030 for the first of many induction events before they start Year 7 in September.
Following a short welcome from Mr Milburn, which included his own Year 7 Rossett picture, Miss Mooney and Mrs Charlton introduced themselves and explained what is to come.
Then we had the real stars of the evening...our current Year 7. They answered loads of questions about life at Rossett and did so with such confidence and enthusiasm. We even had all the parents follow the 3,2,1 countdown led by Jess!
We are looking forward to our next meeting in May and starting the adventure together in September.
World Down Syndrome Day
Today we have been supporting World Down Syndrome Day by wearing odd socks and eating cake!
This special day is all about raising awareness of Down Syndrome and celebrating amazing individuals like our very own Amelie, who put forward the idea of a bake sale, designed the poster and ran the stall at breaktime.
Everyone was very generous and Amelie raised an amazing £192 with the funds going to the Down Syndrome Training & Support Service in Bingley, a charity that has been a huge support for Amelie who we are so proud of!

A Fantastic Effort from our Foodies
Today marked the final day of our Food Practical Exams, and we would like to congratulate all the students for their dedication and resilience throughout this process.
We’ve had the pleasure of tasting a wide variety of outstanding dishes from our Year 11 Food Preparation and Nutrition and Hospitality and Catering students, as well as our Year 12 Food Science and Nutrition students.
It’s been an incredible set of practical exams, and we are so proud of all your hard work and achievements. Well done to everyone!
Beside the Seaside
This week, our Year 11 Geography students visited Flamborough Head and Bridlington.
They were exploring coastal landforms, checking out sea defences, and looking at how tourism shapes the town. They may have found time for an ice cream too...
The Punctuation Show
We’re excited to share that The Punctuation Show will be coming to Rossett on Monday!
Year 7 will experience the Punctuation Show during Period 2, while Year 8 will enjoy the Grammar Show in Period 3.
The show is interactive and includes fun songs to keep students engaged. We’d like to extend our thanks to the PTA for their support in making this whole-school literacy event possible.
Wake Up Wednesday Guide: Live Streaming
Well Done Evie
We are excited to share the news that one of our students, Evie W in Year 11, has had her poem, Thoughts of a Soldier, published in the poetry collection, The Beautiful Truth - Creative Voices.
Evie found inspiration for her poem during last year's Battlefields trip where she reflected on the experiences of soldiers in war.
This is a fantastic achievement and we are very proud of Evie.
Online Sleep Workshop
The Wellbeing in Mind Team is hosting a free online sleep workshop for young people aged between 12 and 18 and their parents and carers.
Headteacher's Awards
Well done to all the students who received a Headteacher's Award this week.
These students have been nominated by members of staff for exemplifying Rossett School's 5Rs culture of learning:
- Jess C - Year 7
- Atanas I and Elijah F - Year 8
- Nancy M and Sam H - Year 9
- Emilia S - Year 10
- Holly R, Indi C, Tom K and Ammarah K - Year 11