
At Rossett School we are committed to protecting every child’s right to a full-time education. This can be achieved if children come to school ON TIME, EVERY DAY. 

Parents and carers have a legal duty to get their children to school every day unless there is a legitimate reason for absence. 

Please be punctual. School starts at 8:45am. Doors are open from 8:15am. If your child is late please inform school that this is the case and the reason why via the Absence Line. Your child should report to Student Reception when they arrive late so that they can be registered. 

Pupils who are late disrupt the whole class, which causes embarrassment for them, and they also miss vital parts of the curriculum. Persistent lateness can result in hours/days’ worth of learning time lost over the school year and create significant gaps in knowledge and understanding that are hard to fill. 

If a child is absent, we must be told the reason why on the first day of absence, and each subsequent day, before 8:30am, followed by a written reason for absence. 

You can contact school by calling the Absence Line on 01423 564444 option 2. 

If we do not hear from you, we will contact you by text, phone, email or letter or by visiting you at home, in line with our safeguarding responsibilities.

View our Attendance Policy here


If a child is genuinely ill, they should remain at home, and you should notify your school. You should contact your doctor to confirm the symptoms, if they persist. 

NHS medical professionals are clear on what reasons children should remain at home. This information can be viewed here

The school office or a doctor can provide some guidance on the amount of time that common illnesses, particularly contagious ones such as chicken pox, require a child to be absent. 

If a child has viral sickness and diarrhoea, they should only return to school 48 hours after the symptoms have subsided. If your child has a lot of medical absences, you will be invited into school to talk about the absences and may be referred for additional support. 

For illness that commences or progresses whilst a child is at school, they should make this known to the school office or nominated person. In the event that a child is unable to remain in school, parents/carers will be contacted for permission to send their child home or await collection. If this occurs prior to the AM or PM registration mark, this will be reflected as per the individual school protocol. 

Application for Leave of Absence 

You do not have the right to take your child out of school during term time. 

By law parents, carers or legal guardians MUST ask the Headteacher’s/Principal’s permission for a leave of absence. 

If you request a leave of absence, you may be required to attend a meeting in school. 

Unauthorised absence may result in the issue of a Penalty Notice* 

As guidance for parents, carers or legal guardians it is important to note that holidays would not be authorised for the following reasons: 

  • Availability of cheap holidays 

  • Availability of the desired accommodation 

  • Holidays booked as surprises by family members 

  • Overlap with beginning or end of term 

  • Holidays would not be authorised under any circumstances during formal examination periods. Any exceptional request for holiday absence will be considered very carefully. 

Good Attendance 

Good or improving attendance is recognised and rewarded in each school. Your child’s individual school can provide specific details about that. 

Poor Attendance 

Continued poor attendance could result in a child or family being referred to the relevant Local Authority Attendance Team. Once allocated to the nominated attendance support, the School Attendance Officer will arrange to visit you at home to complete an assessment of the reasons for poor attendance and establish the best way to help improve this. Non-engagement with support could result in a request for legal intervention from the Local Authority. Further action will then be taken if attendance fails to improve. 

For Red Kite Learning Trust North Yorkshire schools, when they are progressed through stage 1 and 2 attendance interventions, a referral will be made to the Local Authority for their staged legal progression. Further details can be found below. 

CYPS Info - School Attendance


NYCC - School Attendance - Advice & Requirements 

September 2024 - Joint Letter from Secondary Headteachers



Whenever possible, dental, and other appointments should be made outside of school hours. We do appreciate that hospital appointments are not always flexible, and emergencies occur. School must be notified prior to the appointment and if you have an appointment card or letter, please bring this into school. 

Other Absences 

Some absences are allowed by law, for example if a child is ill or there is a family crisis such as a funeral. These are authorised absences. However, there are other times when pupils are absent for reasons which are not permitted. These are known as unauthorised absences. Unauthorised absences include going to the shops; looking after younger children; sleeping in; hair appointments; birthdays; lack of uniform or PE kit; a parent/carer feeling unwell, feeling tired or children not wanting to come to school. 

If extended leave of more than 20 days is taken and it is suspected that a child has moved out of the area or left the country, the school will refer to the Child Missing in Education team. Following their investigation, this may then lead to the withdrawal of your child from the school roll. 

Religious Observance 

Children are only authorised to take 1 day per religious observance and no more than 2 days per academic year. School should be informed beforehand if you intend to keep your child away from school for a religious observance.

Rossett - Classroom - 2023 (5)


Help with Problems 

If you have any problems with attendance or any other matter such as a parent/carer being ill or family difficulties, please come and talk to us. 

There is a range of support that may be offered through schools for example, the Attendance Officer, Pastoral Managers or appropriate local services. They can be contacted via your child’s Pastoral Team.  Please contact schools directly for more information, guidance, and support. 

Where can I go for advice and support? 

Young Minds - Parent/Carer Guide to Support School Anxiety and Refusal 

Action for Children: How do I deal with school refusal and school anxiety? 

Parentkind: Behaviour and Attendance 

DfE - Working together to improve school attendance

*Payment of a Penalty Notice, if paid within 21 days, is £60.00. If you do not pay within 21 days, the fine is increased to £120.00, and you have a further 7 days to make this payment in full. Non-payment of a Penalty Notice within the total 28-day period could result in the commencement of criminal proceedings in the Magistrates Court under section 444 of the Education Act 1996. 

Note that from August 2024, Penalty Notices will increase to £80 initially and £160 if not paid within 21 days. 

Planned Absence Form

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