Eligibility criteria
To qualify for assistance with transport to sixth form or college, the following applies:
- you must be over 16 and under 19 on 1 September 2024 and live in North Yorkshire
- you must be attending the nearest sixth form or further education college to your home address or the sixth form of the secondary school which is recognised as the normal school for your home address
- the course attended must be full-time for instance, more than 12 hours a week
- the sixth form or college is the nearest establishment offering a course that we consider suitable to a student's career choice, or that is a pre-requisite for entry into higher education (see below for more details)
- the nearest sixth form or college is more than three miles from your home by the shortest walked route
- you must have agreement from your parent or guardian to pay for the pass
Transport assistance needs to be renewed annually and is not provided for students on apprenticeships or work placements.