Key Dates  

We hold a Year 11 parents’ evening in November, and a Year 10 parents’ evening in December

In addition, there is a targeted Year 11 intervention evening in October (by invitation only). 

Revision Support by Subject

Revision Strategies 

To access the Revision Strategies Guide which goes in-depth  into the most effective methods of revision and includes helpful tips and information for parents, click here

Further Guidance 

Retrieval Practice 

Managing Your Time 

Graphic Organisers

Physical Revision Guides 

The school can acquire revision guides and workbooks at a discounted price for students/parents/carers to purchase.  These are available to buy through our online payments system, SCOPAY. Please contact the Finance Office if you need a link code for SCOPAY or email 

If you are unsure of which revision guide your child needs, please contact the individual subject teacher.  We can support parents whose children are eligible for free school meals by providing a further discount.  If this applies to your child, for more information, please contact 

Coping with Exam Stress 

We recognise that the period leading up to the examinations can be a stressful time for both students and parents.  We offer extensive support and guidance throughout this crucial period.  Please see below a link to the Department for Education’s guidance on coping with exam stress. 

Coping with exam pressure - a guide for students - GOV.UK (

If you are concerned about your child’s mental health in the lead up to the exams, please contact your GP and make the school aware by contacting your child’s Achievement and Progress Leader in the first instance. 

Study Skills Year 7 - 11